last couple of days have been a pleasant retreat from the work life,
as Thursday was offered to me as VTO (voluntary time off) and Monday
was scheduled in advance for my birthday. I am 30 years old, for anyone who is keeping score, and I don't feel a day over... 30... Meh...
The weekend was relatively
productive; much cleaning in preparation for the incoming baby was
done and some time was allotted for reading, which has fallen
woefully behind schedule, one could say. All of the major chores are caught up and some of the less-routine ones are too (amazing!) while most of the post-Christmas chaos has been eliminated from the living room (if you don't know what I mean, you clearly don't do Christmas quite like we do) and it is actually looking like a living room again. Ha!
On the more developmental side of things, some
of the free time has been spent listening to some Dhamma talks by Ajahn
Brahmali, a Bhikkhu at Bodhinyana Monastery in Perth, Australia.
While I have yet to connect with a local teacher, I continue to find
interesting new resources available online and in print to help
further my practice. Such audio and video clips are especially
helpful, as sometimes an alternate method of bringing in information
is useful in pushing an important idea deeper into the mind... and
considering the lack of a live teacher immediately available, I'm
utilizing the next-best thing as far as I can tell.
In case anyone reading is unfamiliar, on November 21, 2011, I debuted my first self-bound booklet, my "Study Guide," which includes a number of ritual/developmental passages and a complete copy of the Dhammapada. This book was replaced on December 12, 2011 with a similar booklet that featured certain content improvements (including an article authored by Bhikkhu Bodhi, an American Theravada monk whose writings have become useful in my practice) and other features (a harder, more competent cover design being the main point). I gifted the original to my sisters at Christmas time as they showed some interest in it and have used the newer one since.
Now I have come to the conclusion that something smaller, less inclusive might be useful. This is where my "travel size" compilation comes in. The one I completed tonight (below, left) will remain in my home study area where my other books reside while the second one will live in my van. Once a few books I have ordered arrive, the "full version" will go to work and live in my locker so that I no longer have to carry it to and from work every day.
to a materials shortage, I was unable to complete the second mini-booklet tonight (so, in fact, I didn't really even start it), but after a trip to Michaels, I'm quite certain I will be able to complete is quickly and effortlessly. I did, however, choose cover colors and have some things set aside, ready (above, right).
As for other news, we are mere days from bringing forth our second child into the world, and event I will admit to be eagerly awaiting. Of course, my wife is far more eager than I, even if she refuses to admit it -- I think her complaints of back pains are an eerie reminder of the end of her pregnancy with Dalton, leading me to believe that we may in the delivery room in as little as 48 hours, regardless of the January 27 due date. I suppose we will know soon enough, no?
In closing, I was to thank the great multitude of friends that noticed and wished me a happy birthday today, whether it was Facebook reminding you that prompted it or you actually remembered (doesn't particularly matter to me), I appreciate the well wishes and hope you are all well too.
Metta. I will write again soon.
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