Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sorting Things Out

Well, this isn't going to make a lot of sense because I don't necessarily feel compelled to share too much on what has been on my mind since my last post. At least not yet, anyway. Suffice to say, I have been quite busy sorting out some fairly serious things, and I tend to be a little out of the ordinary when that sort of thing takes place.

Fact is, maybe in some tiny ways I'm not done sorting them out, but after some considerable temptations I feel like I've come out on top – made the more honorable, dare I say “righteous,” decisions and kept intact that which really matters to me.

On a side note, somewhat as a random repercussion of my stress over the last few weeks, I have made significant strides in managing my weight. Since my last post, I've shed a little more than 20 pounds. That's about 10% of my body mass, and I must say I am feeling really good about it. It may only be in my mind, but I feel “sexy” for a change, and you can imagine that such a feeling does wonders for one's attitude about... well... pretty much everything.

Fact is, if I quit drinking, I'd probably be down to my goal weight of 170 by Christmas... but, quite frankly, I'm not in THAT big of a hurry... and I think I have a few more tricks up my sleeve that might still get me there. We'll see...

In any event, I wanted to express that I haven't forgotten entirely about the blog, but obviously have had things on my mind that didn't rank highly on my “crap I want to tell random people about” list.

Place the quote: “I was thinking. And it hurt! Hurt my head!”

On that... in all actuality, thinking usually hurts my stomach... at least when it is the “serious” sort of stuff... Meh...

Be well, friends!  

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