Monday, November 1, 2010

Tariffs on Imported Candy Reach Record Highs

Well the Trick or Treating thing was fun this year. We ended up doing it twice because one of our friends' neighborhood was doing it on Saturday whilst my wife's family's locality was doing it on Sunday. Of course, this meant that I hung out “with the guys” and passed out the candy while the ladies took the kids out.

Numerous cheap lagers were consumed, of course. I have paid for that a little this morning but my coffee is seems to have, thus far, compensated adequately.

But for all the hassle involved in drinking those lagers, we do reap some benefit:  My son's candy haul was rather impressive. Duties paid on the imported sweets should yield to the King a nice sugar high from time to time. Yes, I have been teaching my son the concept of taxation through the taking of a certain percentage of his candy each Halloween. *evil laugh*

Tomorrow's election should be kinda interesting. I don't really have a whole lot to say about it at the moment, being that I've resigned myself to the idea that the two major parties are worthless... suffice to say, my votes will be placed firmly within the territory of the Constitution and Libertarian parties (depending on which is presented as an option) and with the Republican candidates only when no other option is available.

I know there are many expecting some sort of major reversal in Congress this week as a result of the election, but I don't really expect any “change” even if a massive number of Republicans replace Democrats... it is only if we oust these two self-righteous legions entirely that we have the potential to truly see change in the behavior of our government. Fiscal responsibility has not been the strong suit of either major party in decades with even the best facade of such plagued with cronyism, corruption, and so-called “pork barrel politics.” I guess what I'm trying to get at is that no one should be holding their breath in anticipation of anything special or new...

And now, hi ho hi ho, off to work I go...

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