Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Forgotten Employee

My company has been touting a fourth-quarter bonus over the last 10 weeks, repeatedly stressing to us it's basis on our productivity individually and performance as a facility. That is all fine and good, and I appreciate any such bonus simply as a matter of gratitude because clearly there is no reason why a bonus has to be granted in the first place.

Well, yesterday the bosses were meeting with employees one-on-one to inform them of what dollar value their bonuses would be. I wasn't too concerned about it because I'll know on Friday regardless (yay for payday), but I was asked to visit with one of the bosses so I dutifully complied. Of course, it was pointless because the boss in question didn't have any information about me because I apparently don't technically work for him.

Furthermore, I've already been told by “my” boss, who I haven't seen much over the last two months because I don't really work for him either, that he doesn't have any information for me either.

So I guess I'm kinda curious about what sort of bureaucratic crack I've fallen into to be forgotten so completely... I mean, I still draw a paycheck so I am still employed (I guess), but no one knows who the hell my boss really is anymore. No one really ever bothers me about anything unless I make a major mistake (such errors are, thankfully, few and far between), and then it sometimes takes a few days for anyone to bother tracking me down about it.

I suppose I'll be fine as long as I'm not forgotten by the payroll department, right?

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